About Presbyterian Salt

First Presbyterian Church of Ithaca COVID-19 Memory Project

This project hopes to benefit future generations and historians by creating an archive the collective experiences of the members of the First Presbyterian Church of Ithaca. How would this benefit future generations and historians? Quite simple, these journals, photos, paintings, poems, etc. could all possibly be used by those in the future that wish to see how people lived their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How could my contribution help future historians?

Historians reconstruct history through rigorous research through primary sources. A primary resource could be anything such as a journal, letter, speech, photo, drawing, or anything that captures what someone was thinking or doing during a certain time period. This project is unique because we are actively looking for contributions of any sort from members of the First Presbyterian Church of Ithaca that will eventually find a home in the Cornell Archives for the use of future historians.